Contact Us  +30 2314 005 909 & +30 6978 192 987

Epoxy Coatings

epoxy coatings1Epoxy coatings are generally packaged in two parts that are mixed prior to application. The two parts consist of

  1. an epoxy resin which is cross-linked with
  2. a co-reactant or hardener.

Epoxy coatings are formulated based upon the performance requirements for the end product. When properly catalyzed and applied, epoxies produce a hard, chemical and solvent resistant finish. They are typically used on concrete and steel to give resistance to water, alkali and acids. It is the specific selection and combination of the epoxy component and the hardener component that determines the final characteristics and suitability of the epoxy coating for a given environment.

Our company is unique in Greece offering Xtreme Graco the hot spray dyeing machine for epoxy dyeing.


Contact Us

address   Ampelonon 21, Ampelokipi,
 54629, Thessaloniki
phone  +30 2314 005 909
mobile  +30 6978 192 987
 +30 6972 871 376